Swim Club Manager


Kevin Melesky (25)


Lauren Hopkins(27)


Dana Borrelli (25) Director
Lauren Hopkins (27)
Theresa Sekula (28)
Jennifer O'Conner (28)


Mia Zebis(27) Director
Brian Kenyon (27)
Mike Placido (26)
Kelly Meehan (28)

Pool & Grounds

Steve Talley (26) Director
Noel Peranteau (25)
Frank Travea (26)


Melanie Hinkle (26) Director
Rachel O'Brien (27)
Paige Smith (26)

Swim Team Liaison

Rachel O'Brien (27)

Business Manager

Joe Sillo
Copyright © 2020 Springfield Swim Club



Submit a completed employment application to the manager on duty or mail to the address provided on the form. Be sure to complete all of the requested information and thank you for your interest!


The primary focus of our guards is the safety of every person using the pool. This means that our lifeguards function as authority figures around the pool, making sure that the rules and regulations are observed. Our lifeguards have the authority to remove someone from the pool if their behavior becomes unruly or is a threat to the safety of other swimmers.

Our lifeguards perform a number of other tasks, many of which our members may never see. They are often called upon to teach basic pool safety which involves everything from working with children to make sure they stay safe while enjoying the pool to reminding people to not run along the edge of the pool.

Behind the scenes our guards are involved in the maintenance of the pool itself - making sure the water is filtering properly and performing routine tests to make sure water chemistry is at proper levels.

Our certified lifeguards are trained in basic lifesaving techniques and first aid. This ensures that the guards on our stands have the knowledge and skills needed to prevent and respond to any type of aquatic emergencies.

pool board of Directors & staff

The Board of Directors meet monthly, all year round. We welcome your input and hope you feel free to contact any Board member with your ideas, suggestions or questions. Board members serve a 4-year term. Each year, 3 or 4 members leave the board and 3 or 4 new members are elected. If you have the desire to serve as a member of the board, we are accepting applications for positions opening up in the fall. Please contact either the President, Secretary/Treasurer, or Director of Operations for details. Applicants are asked to share their skills and talents to help run the organization and facilities. If you have any ideas, concerns or want to get more involved contact one of the Board members listed below.