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Member Code of Conduct

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Club By-Laws


Copyright © 2020 Springfield Swim Club

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Guest Policy Summary

Swim Club Rules and Regulations

These rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all the members and guests of the Springfield Swim Club. They have been established to assure the safe and sanitary operation of our pool and the surrounding facilities. The cooperation of all SSC members and guests is both needed and appreciated by the management in order to achieve this end.

The pool management staff is responsible for opening & closing the swim club, enforcing all rules and regulations, and supervising all activities which are held on the grounds of Springfield Swim Club. All member parents are expected to instruct their children/guests to the rules and regulations of SSC and are also responsible for their children/guests in observing these rules and regulations in cooperation with the pool management. Any failure to comply with these rules and regulations may be considered as sufficient cause for suspension of pool privileges at the manager’s discretion or possibly cancellation of membership. Judgment will be made at the discretion of the pool management staff in any and all areas not specifically covered under these rules and regulations. For the purpose of these rules and regulations, an adult member is any member 18 years of age or older.








1. Membership cards are not transferable. Violation of this rule will result in loss of membership. Membership cards must be verified at the gate upon entering and when leaving the pool grounds. 

2. Barbecues are to be used by adult members only.

3. Non-toilet trained children must wear waterproof pants and are restricted to the baby pool only (non-toilet trained children are not permitted in or at the edge of the big pool even if accompanied by a parent/guardian). Children in the baby pool must be supervised by a parent/guardian and this person must remain within the confines of the fenced area of the baby pool while the child is using the area.

4. Glass or breakable articles that could cause injury to others are not permitted on pool grounds (this includes glass, baby bottles, soft drink containers, glass jars, etc.).

5. No pets are permitted on pool grounds.

6. Intoxicating liquors are not permitted on the premises during normal operating hours.

7. All members and their guests are expected to use the trash receptacles provided and must make sure their area is clean before leaving the pool. Our pool will be as clean as our efforts to keep it clean.

8. A teenager or an adult member must accompany children under 12 years of age at the pool.

9. Adult swim periods are announced at the discretion of the pool management and are restricted to adults only.

10. Proper bathing attire is required by members and guests at all times (no cut-offs, undergarments or baby diapers).

11. Any misuse or damage of pool property may result in loss of pool privileges at the manager’s discretion. Restitution for damages must be made before pool privileges are restored.

12. Recreational equipment will not be distributed to very young children unless accompanied by a responsible party.

13. All equipment (golf, shuffleboard, Ping-Pong, and basketballs) must be returned to the proper location upon completion of your game.

14. No food or drink is permitted on the immediate deck around the pools and lawn chairs are to be kept at a safe distance from the pools (this includes during swim lessons). Under no circumstances are lawn chairs to be put in the baby pool.

15. Springfield Swim Club is a smoke free environment.

GUEST RULES (including Springfield Days)

1. Guest fees for adults and children are as follows: All Day Pass: $10.00 per Guest (must not be a Springfield resident) After 4:00 PM Monday through Friday: $5.00 per guest.

2. All guests must be registered at the front desk by an adult member only and must be accompanied by that adult member for the duration of their visit. Guests must leave the pool when their adult member leaves the pool. An exception to this rule is for certain Special Social Events as determined by the Board of Directors such as pre-teen Parties & Splash Dances.

3. Adult members are responsible for their guests and must advise them of the pool’s rules & regulations.

4. Springfield Resident Guests:

       a. are not permitted on Saturdays, Sundays, & Holidays

       b. are permitted on Mondays through Fridays only after 4:00PM

       c. are permitted when Springfield Days are scheduled with a pre-purchased Springfield Day ticket and only when

          accompanied by an adult pool member (Springfield Day tickets can be purchased at the front gate during the week

          prior to but not the day of the scheduled Springfield Day).

5. No guests are permitted on SSC Fun Day & SSC Family Picnic Day.

6. Any adult member may bring in guests; however, a reasonable number should be maintained. Please contact the pool management prior to the day that you would like to bring in more than 6 guests.


1. Pool parties are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis at the discretion of the pool management, availability of open dates, and in keeping with SSC policy.

2. Parties can be scheduled on any Monday through Friday (after the pool opens full time in June) and not to be in conflict with any other pool function or activity which takes precedence. Only one party will be scheduled per day.

3. Members wishing to schedule a party must call the pool office and speak to the pool management at least one week prior to the party (dates go fast, so it is recommended that you call early to schedule).

4. Parties are limited to 15 guests (non-members) including adult guests and we must insist that you have a sufficient number of adults to help chaperone the children. Please provide the gate person with a list of guests prior to arrival time and guest fees be paid before your departure after the party.

5. In case of rain, the management will attempt to reschedule the party only if another date is available. Rain dates cannot be prescheduled which would tie up available dates for other parties.

6. Non-member Springfield residents are permitted only after 4:00PM so it is recommended that you schedule your party after this time if you are having non-member Springfield residents as party guests.

7. The host member must inform their guests of pool rules and regulations and are responsible for their guests during their visit to the swim club.

8. The party host is required to make sure that the immediate party area is clean and the picnic tables returned to their proper pre-party locations. Parties must be completed by 8:30 PM to insure sufficient day light for cleanup.


1. While on pool grounds, the lifeguards are in charge. Please instruct your children/guests that what they say is the law!

2. The following are not permitted in or around the pool:

         a. Running, dunking, riding on shoulders, playing tag, horseplay or activity considered dangerous by the lifeguard

         b. Swimming in the diving area unless permission is given by the guard or during an adult swim

         c. Rafts, inner tubes, ball playing, or scuba equipment unless permission is given by the guard

         d. Toys or diving sticks in the big pool (they can be used in the baby pool)

3. Swimmies are permitted in the big pool only when an adult is in the water with the child.

4. A child 11 or under must pass the deep water test before being permitted to use the diving board or deep water area (please see the manager on duty to arrange a deep water test for your child).


1. Divers must dive or jump off the front of the board. Running off the board or jumping off the side of the board is prohibited.

2. Only one person at a time is permitted at each level of the diving steps with a line forming on the deck at the bottom of each ladder.

3. Only one jump is permitted before going off the diving board.

4. Any child 11 or under must pass the deep water test before being permitted to use the diving board (see pool management).


1. Slide users must have passed the swim test (wrist band visible).

2. The line will form on the deck at the bottom of the stairs.

3. Only 1 person can be on the stairs/platform at a time.

4. Do not go up the stairs until the person in front of you has hit the water.

5. No running up the stairs.

6. Last person down the slide must be clear from the landing zone before the next person goes down the slide.

7. Immediately exit the landing zone after your slide.

8. No one is permitted to hang on the landing zone markers.

9. No swimming in the landing zone unless permission is given by the lifeguard.

10. Horseplay or activity considered dangerous by the lifeguard is not permitted on the slide or the stairs.